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About us | About us

Speidel's-braumeister Sole Distributor in Taiwan

After Taiwan joined the WTO in 2002, Taiwan started to allow home brewing. However, many people still do not know that private beer brewing has become legal. None the less, brewing activities have flourished in Taiwan for many years. The only pity is in Taiwan the most popular home-brewing style is American type of beer, largely ignoring other styles like German beer, which is world-famous.
There are also some occasional cases with food safety issues.
Therefore, we hope that through our teaching of quality brewing and through offering high quality craft beer in our bistro, we will help people to better understand what a good craft beer is supposed to taste like, so everyone can appreciate high-quality craft beer. They may even learn how to brew good beer themselves at home, thereby incorporating quality craft beer into their lifestyle.
In addition to the promotion of craft beer, iBREW-BEER BISTRO is committed to teaching the brewing of quality craft beer. Besides our comprehensive teaching demonstrations, we also offer top notch brewing equipment and high quality raw materials to enable those interested to create the best craft beer possible.
*Besides our regular brewing classes venue rental for demonstrations and other events are available.